Welcome to Brackenwood Golf Club's website.

If your are viewing this website because you wish to book a tee time ring the Pro's Shop on .

To all others I hope you find the site informative and useful. The site is intended to provide a service to both potential and existing members. All sub pages are accessible through the Home page and therefore everything is just two clicks away. If you hover your mouse over any photograph it will identify the photograph for you.

Old Brackenwood

For those persons considering joining the club the various pages will hopefully illustrate the activities of our club and also show you how much can be gained from becoming a member. We have vacancies for new members but be prepared to participate fully in the club's activities. In this way you will get the most from your subscription and I can virtually guarantee you make many new friends and thoroughly enjoy yourself. Under the Join the Club you will find helpful information about the club and an online application form under Join. Existing members will find all the information they require under the Members Area.

If you find any area of the site which you feel needs improvement or you have questions which the site is unable to answer please contact me at or send an email to

The club is called Brackenwood because the original 9 hole course, between Mount Road and Brackenwood Lane, is located on the former Brackenwood Estate. The estate was founded in 1885 by John Evans, the son of the founder of Evans Medical. He had the house designed by his architect brother-in-law, Aston Webb and called the house and the surrounding estate Brackenwood. The photograph on this page is of the original house. Unfortunately it was demolished in 1958 after suffering serious neglect during World War II.

Our history page provides furhther information about the delevelopment of the golf club.


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