Summer Outing 2008 - Oswestry GC

Sunday 14th September

The Captain elect, Mr Roy Boyle , has arranged for us to visit Oswestry Golf Club on Sunday 14th September 2008 for the Summer Outing. The course is about an hours journey via the A483 ands A5. A pre tee bacon snack will be available from 9.00am with the first tee at 10.00am.

The club, was originally founded in 1903 but was relocated to its current site in 1931 with the new course being designed by that reknown golf architect, James Braid. Oswestryclub houseIn my opinion it is a truly beautiful course and every time I have played it I am reminded of Walter Hagen's statement that we should all take time to smell the flowers and enjoy the wonders of nature. On a warm sunny day I cannot imagine a more marvellous experience than to be playing the Oswestry golf course.

If Roy can maintain Ray's standard regarding the weather, usually September is quite good, it will be a wonderful day out. I can assure all our members that irrespective of your standard of golf that you will enjoy Oswestry golf course. I would, therefore, like to see more senior members at this years outing. The Members and staff are very friendly and the catering is superb.

The cost will be £41.00 for 18 holes, a three course meal and the previous mentioned pre-tee snack. I am sure that wh1st fairwayen the Captain asks for names of those who wish to go the demand will be enormous.

A few of us have been fortunate to have played the course before and I can only say, you will want to go. So, put this date in your diary and start saving the pennies because you will not want to regret missing this outing.

I am also aware that Roy has some surprises planned during his year of office so by September he will have his feet well under the table, have at least six months experience, so my advice to you is to expect the unexpected!






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